Senin, 16 Mei 2011

How to Apply for a Toyota / UNCF Scholarship

How to Apply for a Toyota / UNCF Scholarship

If you are entering college in the fall and are of African-American heritage, you may qualify for the Toyota/United Negro College Fund Scholarship.

Moderately Challenging


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      *Determine your Eligibility

      In order to apply for the Toyota/UNCF scholarship, students must have a 3.0 high school cumulative grade point average, must be African-American, and must be planning to attend one of the following traditional black colleges: Bethune-Cookman College, Spelman College, Morehouse College, Xavier University, or Xavier University, or Clark Atlanta University.

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      *Confirm your Field of Study

      Scholarship applicants must also plan to major in specific disciplines. In order to apply, prospective college students must plan to study in one of the following academic areas: general, biomedical, electrical, environmental, industrial, manufacturing, mechanical, civil, or construction engineering; finance, accounting or economics; English or communications; computer science, network administration, computer engineering, management information systems, information systems, or information technology; education or liberal arts, political science, public administration, history or psychology; or business, marketing, international business, sales, management or supply chain management.

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      *Apply and Wait for Notification

      Once you have determined your eligibility for the scholarship, you should apply on the United Negro College Fund website. (See link below.) Although deadlines can change from year to year, this scholarship's window typically ends in January of the year the fall semester begins. Chosen students receive $7500 for college tuition sponsored by the Toyota Motor Corporation.

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